with Collectief MAMM

15 October 2015 from 10:00 to 12:00
Viale Palmiro Togliatti n.92, Brindisi
Advanced level for contemporary and hiphop dancers.
Cost 25,00 €

Maxime Abbenhues en Mees Meeuwsen met each other at the Urban Contemporary Dance at the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK), where they both graduated in 2020.

There, they found each other in their love for partnering and acrobatics. One year and a lot of bruises later, Collectief MAMM was born. In their work, they explore partnering techniques that are not based on strength, but on sharing momentum to move another body and thereby aspire to make no distinction between traditional partnering roles.

MAMM has created and performed for ao. Karavaan Festival, Theaterfestival Boulevard, Future is Now (SSBU), Cafe Theater Festival, and has toured internationally in Italy, France and the UK.

Info and 3478172498