AlphaZTLCompagnia d'Arte Dinamica


The BRINDISI PERFORMING ARTS (BPA) - Festival of socially inclusive performing arts, is a celebration of diversity and its importance for the realisation of a more sensitive, caring and inclusive society, and ties in with the territory by promoting it and making it known to the Festival audience.

The BPA brings to the attention of the general public issues of social and cultural relevance through a program of performances in the disciplines of dance, theater, music and contemporary circus with the aim of generating interest and emotional involvement in the public and does so by using art in the social thus touching the deepest chords of the public increasingly inclined to make themselves “protagonists” of the BPA.

The identity of the festival with the passing of the years, this year in its fifth edition, has become more and more solid and has increased the audience and institutional stakeholders becoming a “widespread” event in the province of Brindisi.

In this fifth edition, the unique provincial calendar of scheduled events involves the municipalities of Brindisi, Mesagne, Torre Santa Susanna, Carovigno, San Pietro Vernotico, San Pancrazio, the Brindisi Prison House, the pediatrics ward of the Perrino Hospital in Brindisi and the REMS (residence for the execution of security measures) in Carovigno with the aim of spreading more and more to touch all the provinces of Brindisi and continue further...

The 2024 edition of BPA will also split the festival into Summer Edition with performances scheduled in August and Autumn Edition in October and November.

The BPA presents a calendar of events intended for the general public and with sections targeting specific audiences:

BPA Indoor: a section of the Festival that includes performances for inmates inside the Brindisi Prison and for guests of the REMS (Residence for the Execution of Security Measures) in Carovigno;

BPA Kids: educational performances aimed at children from 4 years old and up that aim to educate and bring younger children closer to art;

BPA Young: performances for students, preceded and followed by talks by experts aimed at accompanying the viewing and stimulating critical consciousness on certain topics of social relevance;

BPA Education: workshops "approaching" art for small and large audiences to explore and share the expressive possibilities of the body and voice.

In addition to contributing to the cultural growth of the cities in which it is implemented, BPA also represents a bridge between citizens and those realities that remain on the margins of society, transforming exclusion into inclusion by breaking down those prejudices that do not allow social integration.

Artistic direction Vito Alfarano

Organisation AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica

Promoted by: the Ministry of Culture, Region of Puglia, Province of Brindisi, Municipality of Brindisi, Municipality of Carovigno, Municipality of Mesagne, Municipality of San Pancrazio Salentino, Municipality of Torre Santa Susanna and Municipality of San Pietro, Guarantor of Persons Subjected to Restrictive Measures of Personal Liberty, Regional Guarantor of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Guarantor of the Rights of Minors of the Regional Council of Puglia. In collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and the Brindisi Prison House.

Media Partner Ciccio Riccio


Brindisi Performing Arts Festival Events Schedule

Festival 2024

Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024


Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Comune di Brindisi Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Comune di Mesagne Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Comune di Torre Santa Susanna Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Comune di Carovigno Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Comune di San  Pancrazio Salentino-Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Comune di San Pietro Vernotico Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024




Enel Brindisi Performing Arts Festival
Coop Alleanza 3.0 Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Portoguaceto  Agridish Brindisi Performing Arts Festival 2024
Ciccio Riccio Brindisi Performing Arts Festival


B&B Il Cervo Casa Vacanza Brindisi Performing Arts Festival
Regina Viarum Casa Vacanza Brindisi Performing Arts Festival
Confindustria Brindisi Brindisi Performing Arts Festival
Sostieni il Brindisi-Performing-Arts-2023

Support with 5X1000

ART in the SOCIAL to break down those prejudices that do not allow the right social integration, turning exclusion into inclusion by giving a voice to those who are often put on the margins of society.

To make a donation, at the time of your income tax return you can sign the form in the box that reads, "Sostegno degli Enti del Terzo Settore iscritti nel Runts di cui all'art.46, c.1 del d.lgs. 3 luglio 2017, n.117, comprese le cooperative sociali ed escluse le imprese sociali costituite in forma di società, nonché sostegno delle onlus iscritte all'anagrafe," and write the tax code 02468980749


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