by AlphaZTL Compagnia d’Arte Dinamica

23 october 2022 h. 18:00
Ceglie Messapica, Teatro Comunale
Ticket € 5,00


Shut Up! is a performance conceived from the need to represent the duality of mankind, the coexistence of opposite realities united in a continuous struggle. The fine line that separates the search for new paths from the desperate chase towards an escape route, the need to return to quiet and, at the same time, its total refusal.
Shut Up! uses chaos, sarcasm and ego exaggeration to tell, also through play, the submission of peoples to the powerful and the manipulation of minds, highlighting, through dialogue, the decision-making power of the individual that is independent of society.
Control and firmness, acceptance and awareness, are the key concepts of the creative process which therefore leads to the development of different interpretations of each of the paintings. The search for a confrontation, but the refusal of an exchange, the unspoken but, in some way, explicit need. The malaise that leads to closure and vice versa, closure that from protection becomes a limit and limit that, like a loop, returns to malaise.
Shut Up! is in this context the study of the weaknesses and shortcomings of the other to fill one's own, and feel full, satisfied. The need to feel greater in the impossibility of feeling understood.

Direction and choreography - Francesco Biasi
Dancers - Simona Semeraro and Giulia Petti
Co-production – Balletto Città di Rovigo


What is the mind of an addict hiding? Love and addiction have similar effects, thrashing in a mixture of euphoria, desire and submission. But can love clean up the drugs in circulation? Toxic Love is the story of two young people in search of answers, in precarious balance, united by the dim hope of redemption. Their life goes on repetitive, without an apparent future or an event that could put an end, for better or for worse, to their dramatic situation.

Direction and choreography - Francesco Biasi
Dancers - Matteo Aprile and Davide Dibello
Co-production - Balletto Città di Rovigo