by Koreoproject

Starring the inmates of the Borgo San Nicola prison in Lecce and the dancers Sara Bizzoca and Ambra Berni Canani

28th October h. 6:00 pm
Teatro Don Bosco, Brindisi
Ticket € 5,00

On stage ten inmates who followed three thematic art workshops: dance, music and sculpture. The term 'trace' usually denotes a sign, a footprint or a trail; leaving a trace of oneself is one of the greatest aspirations of every human being: to go down in history, to achieve lasting fame beyond the brief span of existence, to entrust one's soul to the memory of posterity as a sign of immortalitỳ. With the encounter of artistic languages, the stories of each of the participants are told, transforming them into musical and movement traces, gestures and emotions, and with the art of sculpture, we visualise our history to make it universal.


By Koreoproject
Starring the inmates of the Borgo San Nicola prison in Lecce and the dancers Sara Bizzoca and Ambra Berni Canani
Choreography and Direction Giorgia Maddamma in collaboration with Sara Bizzoca e Ambra Berni Canani
 Music various artist
Sculptures Matteo Lucca

Donazione empatica Brindisi-Performing-Arts-2023