by AlphaZTL Compagnia d’Arte Dinamica

3 - 4 novembre 2022 h. 9:30 e h. 11:30
Liceo Linguistico Statale E. Palumbo Brindisi

Do you know when you dream of falling? What about the feeling that remains when you wake up? A gasp and a sense of anguish. Violence against women is a topic on which is never too much to insist because certain topics must never be put aside or, worse, ignored.

Viola (ta) is a contemporary dance performance and deals "openly" with violence against women, a highly topical subject. Reporting is the first step towards freedom, the regaining of one's dignity and above all it is the first step towards salvation: what could be better than getting up in the morning, looking at the sun and wondering "What do I do today? Where am I going?" without the fear of being insulted, mistreated, without feeling guilty for not doing anything.
Viola (ta) wants to emphasize this problem because insisting is never enough.

Viola (ta) arises from the need to tell the emotions that live in women victims of violence without the need to define the fact. The beginning of Viola (ta) is at the same time also her end and vice versa, like a never-ending circle where a woman does not have a single identity but represents every age, social and racial background, under the weight of abuse...
Viola (ta) wins the critics' prize at the IFMC 2018 in Vitebsk (International Festival Modern Choreography).

Produzione - AlphaZTL Compagnia d’Arte Dinamica
Coreografia e regia - Vito Alfarano
Danza - Aurora Zammillo
Co-produzione - Balletto Città di Rovigo compagnia Fabula Saltica