by Paola Giglio

Puppet show
18 agosto 2023, h 18:30
Brindisi, Coop. Eridano - Strada per Betlemme, 6
Ticket € 3

In the Rainbow Country live colourful people, a vain emperor and his sleepy servant named Carnival. Everyone at court is happy, the colours bring joy. The happiest of the happy, however, is the emperor, who dresses a new suit every day and asks his servant Carnival to shower him with compliments. Everything runs smoothly until the Witch of Darkness sends two petty thieves to steal the colours in the Land of the Rainbow. Carnival, a sleepy servant, helps his country find the colours.  The Emperor, recognising Carnival's valour and courage, appoints him as an advisor and, to thank him, organises a feast in his honour and gives him a coat full of colours.


Il principe infarinato - Brindisi Performing Arts FEstival 2022

"Il servo dormiglione" (The Sleepy Servant) is a show suitable for children from 3 to 8 years of age that makes them realise how important it is to look for beauty in people, unlike the vain King who, always busy looking in a mirror, hardly notices the true beauty of the servant next to him.

Donazione empatica Brindisi-Performing-Arts-2023