by and with Claudia Caldarano e Simone Graziano

Music and Dance
21 agosto h. 21:30
Sagrato della Chiesa Nuova, Carovigno (BR)
free participation

"Piano Solo Corpo Solo" is a concert for "piano solo" and a dance for "body solo" born in times of isolation and social mutations in which the two artists felt their bodies and freedom violated. Therefore, with this performance, musician Simone Graziano and dancer Claudia Caldarano seek to touch and be touched by each other's intimacy and loneliness and to step out of their safe distance.

The choreography is performed on a sort of extension of the piano tail, black, shiny, where the body is reflected, exposed, confined and at risk. 


The grand piano is prepared with objects from everyday life to make its sound alienating, almost unrecognisable, and close to the spectator, as if he were with his head inside the instrument. Simone and Claudia try to establish, in sound and movement, an epidermic contact between themselves and the spectator, as if Piano Solo Corpo Solo were a concert and dance for a single spectator.

Donazione empatica Brindisi-Performing-Arts-2023